


<国際学会、国内学会、研究会報告>*は国際学会           200回以上の講演・報告



2019(未記入:USA. San Francisco, March, Sorbonne, Paris, June, Singapore Nanyang , ISA, July, Fudan Univ.

July, St. Petersburg University, September, 日本政治学会、11月、NEASENET, 12月。日本学術会議、12月。)


* First World War and Balkans, “Serbian Assaccination and the Break Up of the World War”, Milan, November, 2018.

★St. Petersburg National University, Inviting Professor, “Russia and the EU: Crisis of Developed Power, Power Shift, and New World Order”, and  “Russia – Japan Relations and Asian Regionalism”, September 9-15.

*IPSA Conference, Brisben, “Australia: Immigrants and European Crisis after BREXIT”, International Political Science Association, 2018.

* EUSA AP, Taipei, “BREXIT, Trump Government and the Declining the Big Powers”, EUSA AP, 2018.

* China, Beijin, University of Foreign Affairs in China, One Belt One Road Policy, China American Relations, and Chinese World Policy, June 25-27, 2018.

★China, Zhejian Universith(浙江大学)、Inviting Professor, “Asian Regional Cooperation in 21st century”, “Power Shift and East Asian Crisis: North Korea and the USA”, “Immigrants Question and European Crisis”, June 11-13, Zhejian University, International Union Department, 2018.

*ISA, San Francisco, “Russia and Populist in Western Europe after BREXIT”,  San Francisco, April 4-7, 2018.


2017  *International Conference  (Invited)

* Rhodes International Conference, 6-7 October 2017, Rhodes, Greece: Never Again

Power Transition and Regional Conflicts comparing Europe and East Asia (Invited)

日本政治学会研究大会 2017.9.24


* Symposium between Russia & Japan, Russian Academy in Far East, 30-31 August 2017. Russia and Asian Pacific International Relations, Vladivostok, (Invited)

* EUSA Asia Pacific 2017 Tokyo Conference, 2 July 2017, Aoyama Gakuin Univ. Tokyo, BREXIT and European Crisis —Immigrants & Terrorism (President)

* ISA Conference in Hong Kong, 15-17 June 2017, Hong Kong,

Making Asian Think-tank Networks & the Training Young Leaders for Asian Future

*Deutsche Bundes Bank, & University of Tokyo, 23 May 2017, Tokyo

Election Time(s) in Europe, Challenges on the way to economic recovery,

Immigrants & European Elections  /Quo Va dis, Europe?

* ISA Annual Conference in Baltimore, 25 February 2017, Baltimore, USA

Ukrainian Question among the EU, NATO and Russia



* TIPSA Annual Conference in Taipei, 23 October 2016, Taiwan

Asian Regional Cooperation and the Security-Collaboration in Borders (Invited)

*Peace Diplomats Forum, 11 November 2016, Tokyo

Immigrants, Refugees & Security: Why did Trump win?

*21st century Maritime Silk Road; Development Connectivity and Win-Win Cooperation

International Conference, 1-6 August 2016, Shanghai International Affairs Institute,

Power Transition, Maritime Security and Collaboration among China-Japan-Korea

* United Nation University, Women’s Association, 13 June 2016, Tokyo

Immigrants and Xenophobia, Home-grown Terrorism in the Enlarged EU

* CHINA-East Asia International Symposium, 12 March 2016, Nanjing, China

International Relations and Order in East Asia

Power Shift, Territorial dispute and Reconciliation in ASIA between China and Japan

★*CHINA-East Asia International Symposium, International Relations and Order in East

Asia, 12 March 2016, China, University of Law and Politics, International Relations,

Economic Growth and Political Dispute: Antagonism and Reconciliation in ASIA



*International Conference in India, 24-25 November 2014, Security, Sovereignty and Confidence building in the Indo-Pacific: A Perspective from Japan (Invited)

*ASEEES, San Antonio, USA, 10 May 2014, USA

Democracy and Nationalism in the Orban Government in Hungary

★*Rhodes, Asian Regionalism and Nationalism, 27 September, Rhodes

For the Solution of War & Conflict: Reconciliation in Europe and Asia, comparing the difference of the US Strategy September, (Invited)

*One Asia Conference in Jeju, 2 August 2014. Korea

Constructing Asian Academic Networks & the Common Asian  Collaboration (Invited)

*IPSA Annual Conference, Montreal, Canada, 20 July 2014, Canada

Power Game and Confidence Building under the American Rebalance Strategy

AHEA (Association for Hungarian Education Association), Florida 21-23 May 2014, USA, Hungarian Democracy and Nationalism after the Cold War and Globalization

★*ICSSR Conference, 13-15 March 2014, India, Constructing Asian Think-tank Networks & Global Human Resource Development (Invited)



* AICGS Political and Social Leadership Conference, 20 October 2013, Berlin, Germany,

Historical Reconciliation comparing between Europe and Asia, and the US Strategy (Invited)

193  南京大学 3月

CHINA-East Asia International Symposium

International Relations and Order in East Asia

12 March 2016

Power Shift, Territorial dispute and Reconciliation  in ASIA
Between China and Japan

Russia and International Relation
International Conference of EUSA AP
June 2016
Immigrants, Xenophobia &
Home Grow Terrorism in the Enlarged EU
Why Xenophobia and Terror occurs in Western Europe ?

CHINAEastAsia International SymposiumInternational Relations and Order in East Asia 12 March 2016Power Shift, Territorial dispute and Reconciliation in ASIABetween China and Japan

192  中国政法大学 3

191  March Rosefielde  Immigrants and Refugees in European Crisis,  (both articles are one parts of Book) 3


2015年 (日本EU学会共通論題)

190  日本ユースフォーラムYFJ「パワーシフトとアジアの地域統合」


188 日刊労働新報社


2014年 (国際学会)

187   安全保障研究会

186   Deli, India “Security, Sovereignty and Confidence building in the Indo-Pacific: A Perspective from Japan” Regional Integration in the Indo-Pacific: Prospects and Challenges 24-25 November, 2014

185   ASEEES, San Antonio, USA, Democracy and Nationalism in the Orban Government, 19 November, 2014.

184   Ukraine, YES(Yalta European Strategy), Poloshenko, Tony Blea,

183   Rhodes, Asian Regionalism and Nationalism  September,

182   Jeju, One Asia Conference, 2 August, 2014., Making Asian Think-tank Networks the Common Asian Universities: Future for Youth 

181  IPSA, Montreal, Canada, Power Shift, National Anxiety, & Territorial Dispute –Confidence Building under the American Rebalance Strategy, 20 July, 2014.

180  AHEA(Association for Hungarian Education Association )  Florida University, USA  Hungarian Democracy and Nationalism transformation after the Cold War and Globalization 21-23 May, 2014


2013年  国際学会、国内報告



177*12月、ASSEES, Boston, USA


175*11月、Berlin, SAIS, Reconciliation in Europe and Asia,

17411月、日本EU学会 共通論題



172*8月―9月 VladivostokRussia

171*8月、Osaka, JAPAN


170*6月、ASPAC, Monterey, USA

169*5月、Hungary, Budapest, Corvinus University, WISC

168*5月、Thailand, Bogor, SCA


166*2月、Poland, Lodz,  Brussels, Bergium



2012年 Harvard

164Key Note Speaker, The Asian Regionalism comparing the European Union”, CHIR(Committee of History of International Relations), Sorbonne University, Paris, France, 13-14 December, 2012.

163*”The Tohoku Disaster and the Energy Questions considering the Energy Policy in the EU”,

           SCA( Science Council in Asia), International Conference, Bogor, Indonesia, 11 July, 2012.

162“Xenophobia and the European Union under Globalism”, IPSA World Conference, Madrid, Spain, July       2012.  

161*”Japan and the Asian Regional Cooperation under the Major Power”, The Great Power

           Politics and the Future of Asian Regionalism,  International Conference, WCFIA, Harvard

           University, 11 May, 2012.

160The Democracy and Xenophobia in Central and Western Europe under the Enlarged EU”,

            Center for European Studies, CES, Harvard University, 18 April, 2012.

159*”The Asian Regionalism and Major Powers in the Global Age”,  ISA(International Studies

            Association Conference), 2 April, 2012.

158*”The East Asian Community and the Global Power”, The Tohoku Disaster Conference, Tohoku

            University,  28 March 2012.

157Asian Regional Integration and the Role of the US”, The Turmoil of the Regionalism in Asia and Europe, (Director of Trans Atlantic Security Project, collaborate with Karl KaiserWCFIA, Harvard University, 14 February, 2012.



156*“The Security of North East Asia and the Asian Regional Integration”, The North East Asian Security Collaboration and International Affairs, Renmin University, Beijing, China, 5 November, 2011. (Invitation Lecture


154*”The  Asian Regional Cooperation and the Role of the US”, WISC World Congress, Porto, Portugal, 19 August, 2011.

153ASEAN+3,シンクタンクNEATの会合、日本代表の一人、Vietnam, Danan, 2011. August.8-10,



画室)”The East Asian Community and the Reconciliation with the Enemies”, Japan-Indian

Diplomatic Policy’s Official Meeting, Deli, India, 22 March, 2012.

151*日ASEAM国際会議、EU 議長国ハンガリーにおける共同国際会議報告、EUの教訓と東アジアの地域

統合」、            (日本外務省による招聘・欧州局・ASEM)

150 The EU Suggestion and the East Asian Community  as a comparative studies of Norms and Institutions, The EU and Japan, ASEM Conference by Japanese and Hungarian Foreign Ministries, Budapest, Hungary, 3 March 2011,



149ICHIS(国際歴史学会)、報告「第2次世界大戦期の占領と冷戦の起源』第2次世界大戦研究委員会、     Netherland, Amsterdam, 2010. August.

148Europe and Asia (ASEM)国際会議、報告、Belgium, Brussels, 2010May

「東アジア共同体 拡大EUからの提言」東アジア共同体研究会、法政大学日本学研究所、20105月。

147Europeanization beyond the EU? EU Strategies, Determinants and the Influence in its Eastern Neighborhood, International Studies Association, Annual Conference, February 17-20, New Orleans, USA,  2010.



146Twenty years of the End of the Cold War and the Regional Integration, CHIR (Committee of the History of the International Relations), Tokyo Conference,  Aoyama Gakuin University, Tokyo,  4-5 December, 2009.


144Democratization of Central Europe and the Frontier of Enlarged EU-Conflict between the EU Interest and National Interest, International Studies Association(ISA),  50th Anniversary Annual Convention, New York, USA, February 15-18, 2009.



143「拡大EUと東アジア共同体 地域統合の比較研究」日本政治学会・日本学術会議共催、20081011日。

142East Asian Regional Cooperation and Shanghai Cooperative Organization under the lesson of the Enlarged EU,  Bangkok, Thailand, 26July, 2008.

141Nationalism and Xenophobia under the Enlarged EU— Reformation of the national border and boycott of immigrants, WISC World Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 23July, 2008.






         Comparative Studies between the Enlarged EU and the East Asian Regional Cooperation,

    Aoyama Gakuin University, International Symposium, 14 December, 2007.  

137“The Arc of Freedom and Prosperity and Prospects of Japan-Wider Black Sea Area Cooperation”, Black Sea Regional Cooperation and Cooperation with Japan, Foreign Ministry of Japan, Institute of Japanese International Affairs, 21 November 2007.

★136*“The Lesson of the EU Enlargement and the East Asian Community + Shanghai Cooperative Organization —What and how we can learn from the European Integration. —“, International Conference on the 50th Anniversary of the Treaty of Rome and EU –Asia Relations, Organizer: Graduate Institute of European Studies, Tamkang University,  Ministry of FRoreign Affairs, Taiwan, R.O.C., 20-21 November 2007.

135「拡大EUのナショナリズムとポピュリズム」「セッション ポピュリズム」日本政治学会大会報告、




133“The Enlargement of the EU and the East Asian Regional Cooperation”, Russia, Vladivostok,

7-12 September, 2007.

132*“Democracy and Neo-Nationalism under the EU Enlargement

——-The Effect of the Globalization and Democratization—-“, ICCEES International Conference, Berlin, 1-6 August, 2007.




130「拡大EUのフロンティアと冷戦秩序の再編」一橋大学EUIJ, EU Politics ワークショップ、「EUのフロンティアー内と外」200762日。







126“Comparative Studies between the Enlarged European Union and the East Asian Regional Cooperation”, AAS Conference in Boston, Harvard University, 25 March 2007.

125“Democracy, Nationalism and Citizenship in the Enlarged EU—The Effect of Globalisation and Democratisation— “, ECSA COE Conference in Padua, Intercultural Dialogue and Citiqenship, Translating Values into Actions A Common Project for Europeans and their Partners, Padua, 3rd March 2007.

124“The Enlarged EU and before and After the Iraq War”, ISA Conference, Chicago, 1st March 




東京外国語大学オープンアカデミー、地球の将来を考える EUの現状と未来、2007111日。



122“Lessons of the EU for Asian Regional Cooperation”, Joint Symposium New Visions for EU-Japan Governmental Research ConferenceEuropean Commission, Charlemagne Building, Brussels, 6 April, 2006.

“Human Security and the EU Borders : minority, immigrants and conflicts”, Jean Monnet Project, Padua International Conference of Human Security and EU’s Role, 24 March, 2006.

121“Social Security and Nationalism Uprising of Central and Eastern Europe under the EU Enlargement and the Regional Cooperation”, ISA Conference at San Diego, March 23, 2006.





120“The Lesson of the European Union to the Asian Regional Cooperation”, Panel Discussion among Russia, Turkey, Central Europe, Korea, and China, Chair Kumiko Haba, EUSA-Asia Pacific International Conference, Keio University, Tokyo, 10 December, 2005.

119“Wider Europe and the Kaliningrad Question as the Border of the EU” Wider Europe, International Conference at Kyoto University, COE Programme of Kyoto University, 24-26 November, 2005.

118“NATO Enlargement and the Iraq War—The Role of Central European Countries under the Shadow of the US”, International Conference of the Conflict and Reconciliation of Europe,  COE Project of Hitotsubashi University, 23 September, 2005.


117*“The EU Enlargement and Border Questions, Kaliningrad”, Russia and European Union After Enlargement, New Prospects and New Problems,  St. Petersburg University, Institute of International Relations, 7 October, 2005.



116  *“The EU Enlargement and Border Questions, Kaliningrad”, Wider Europe: Economy, Border, Minority, Security, ICCEES International Conference in Berlin,  July, 2005.

115 「EUの東方拡大―アメリカに並ぶ経済圏と、内なる相克―」三井業際研究所、2005.7.1.

114 「中・東欧の民主化・市場化と経路依存性:拡大EUからイラク戦争に見る、


113 「フランス・オランダでの追う州憲法否決はどのような意味をもつか。」


112 「拡大EUと、中欧のアイデンティティ」東京都歴史教育研究会講演会2005.6.4.

111 「拡大するEUの現状と日本の課題―世界秩序の再構築へ」アイアンクラブ、定例午餐会、2005.5.20

110 「拡大EUと、新しい「世界秩序」の構築」『地球宇宙平和研究所研究会』 2005.5.15.

109 「拡大EUとワイダー・ヨーロッパ、―多元的世界秩序の構築と、内なる相克の克服」『東京大学DESK2005.5.13.

108 (NHK「こう変わるヨーロッパの暮らし」25カ国拡大EU、拡大当日の衛星放送。2005.4.1.

107 「拡大EU:アメリカに並ぶパワー、世界秩序の再構築へ」『10大学合同セミナー講演会』2005.4.25.

106 「拡大EUの課題:多元的世界秩序の構築と、内なる相克の克服」ヨーロッパ研究会(箱木)、早稲田大学、2005.4.23.

105 「拡大EU―新しいヨーロッパ像の素顔と課題」婦選会館総合講座、国際社会の諸相と展望(市川房江記念館)、2005.3.23.

105 「台頭する勢力:EU、ロシア」21世紀かながわ円卓会議『21世紀を構築する』第1回『超大国の行方と日本の対応』湘南国際村センター、神奈川県葉山町、2005311-12日。

104 「拡大するEUの現状と課題―世界秩序の構築と、内なる相克」


1031「拡大EU:新しいヨーロッパ像の素顔と課題」『拡大EUと広がるヨーロッパ像』朝日カルチャーセンター拡大EU特集(羽場編)、横浜朝日カルチャーセンター 2005.1.22.



102「拡大EU:多元的世界秩序の構築と、内なる相克の克服」 同志社大学、EU研究講演会、


101     “The EU and NATO Enlargement and Central Eastern European Foreign  Policy under the Influence of the US-A Non-European Perspective, Pan European Confrerence at Haag, September  2004.

100     「EU拡大は国際関係を変えるかーアメリカに並ぶ多元的パワーの登場」朝日カルチャーセンター、2005.7.10.

99       「早稲田大学GLOPE:ワークショップ、「EUの東方拡大と欧州憲法」21世紀COE-GLOPE大学院EUカレッジ、第2回、2004.6.12.

98       「EUの拡大と日本―アメリカに並ぶ多元的パワーの登場―」『経団連クラブ会員昼食会』2004.6.9.

97       「拡大ヨーロッパの挑戦:アメリカに並ぶ多元的パワーとなるか:中・東欧の視覚から」東京大学DESK,2004.5.14.

96 *“NATO Enlargement and the Iraq War- Central and Eastern Europe Under the Influence of the US—, Institute of International Relations University of St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, Russia, 6-7 February, 2004.



95        「ヨーロッパ統合におけるアイデンティティの揺らぎー国家、民族、地域、自己


94        「EUの拡大と中・東欧の国家、民族、安全保障」欧州拡大研究会、日本貿易


  • 「EUの拡大と中・東欧の課題―国家、民族、安全保障―」共通論題:EU拡大、


92  「東欧の社会格差」(Discussant)ロシア・東欧学会共通論題:ロシア・東欧の経済・社会格差、京都産業大学、2003.10.4.

  • 「欧州拡大とイラク戦争―新旧欧州の確執とアメリカの影」「欧州研究会」9.25.

90 *   “Impact of NATO Enlargement on Central and Eastern Europe”, Baltic Rim in Common Europe: Part I, 16th Nordic and 4th Baltic Peace Research Conference : New Security Challenges as Challenges to Peace Research, St. Petersburg, 11-13 September, 2003.

89  「冷戦の起源と終焉―ヨーロッパの分断と統合の『境界線領域』からみた冷戦―」

             京都大学 現代史研究会、2003.7.19.



88   “The EU Enlargement and Minorities Living in the Border: Romania, Yugoslavia, Carpatia”, The EU Enlargement and the Minority Question, CEEISA/ISA International Convention, Budapest, Hungary, June 26-28, 2003.

87        「イラク戦争とヨーロッパの苦悩」新宿朝日カルチャーセンター緊急特別講座


86        「新旧ヨーロッパの確執とアメリカの役割:EU・NATOの拡大と問題点」

      「ヨーロッパの21世紀 アメリカの影の下で」東京大学DESK講演、2003.5.20

85* “The EU Enlargement and Central and Eastern Europe”(Discussant), 

The EU Enlargement and Japan-European Relations”, Waseda University, 17 May, 2003.

84   「EUの拡大と中欧のアイデンティティ―European Identity NATIONAL Identity のはざまで―」京都大学COE:歴史としてのヨーロッパ・アイデンティティ、京大会館、2003.4.27.

83   「EU拡大と中欧のアイデンティティーEuropean Identity National Identity のはざまでー」ハプスブルク帝国史研究会、京都、2003.4.3.

82     “The Enlargement of the EU and the Cooperation with Asia”

         EU and Japan Journalist International Conference, AthensGreece 2003.3.25-28.

81         「EU・NATOの東方拡大と東アジア(政治・安全保障)」欧州研究会、2003.2.27.

80        「冷戦の起源と終焉:冷戦とはなんだったか」冷戦史研究会、2003.2.8.



79        「グローバリゼーションと欧州:EUの拡大と中欧」

78        「グローバリゼーションと欧州:NATOの東方拡大と中欧」新宿朝日新聞カルチャーセンター、




77    “ The Enargement of the EU towards Central and Eastern Europe and Cooperation with Asia”, Annual Conference of the Japan Association of International Relations, Awaji Island, 16 November, 2002.

76        「ハンガリーの体制転換からEU拡大まで」『ハンガリー友好協会ハンガリー講座』2002.11.8.

75        「グローバリゼーションと欧州拡大」神奈川大学公開講座、2002.10.19.

75   「EU拡大の進捗状況と加盟候補国の課題―9.11.テロ、各国総選挙、2002年夏の水害を踏まえて」


74     「NATOの東方拡大と欧州の安全保障」九州大学、21世紀の安全保障、2002.9.21

73        「中欧へのEU拡大とハンガリーの総選挙」EUと東欧研究会、2002.7.7.

72        「グローバル化と欧州の東方拡大」神奈川大学「EU研究会」2002.6.26.

71   EU Integration I: Dynamics of Integration and Diversity”(Discussant),  Managing the Recreation of Divisions in Europe, 3rd Convention of CEEISA, NISA, RISA, MGIMO, Moscow, Russia, 20-22 June 2002.

70        「EUの東方拡大と中・東欧―1989年の東欧の体制転換から、2001年テロと


69        「欧州拡大と極右の台頭」民主党研究会、2002.5.31.

68        「冷戦期のソ連・東欧関係の再検討―冷戦の起源から56年事件までー」






  • 「コソヴォ後の中東欧情勢―EU・NATOの拡大と民族問題―」




:65“EU/NATO Enlargement and Central Europe”, The EU Enlargement toward Central Europe and the Role of Japanese Economy, Hosei University 21 International Symposium, October 1-3 (October 3), 2000.

64   “Globalism and Regionalism in East-Central Europe: Nationality Problem and Regional Cooperation under the EU and NATO Enlargement”, Globalization, Regionalization and the History of International Relations, 19th International Congress of Historical Sciences, Oslo, August 6-13 (August 11), 2000.

63   “New Challenges of the Post Communist Transition in East Central Europe in the era of EU Enlargement: Social Security and the Regional Cooperation for the Consolidation”, VI ICCEES World Congress Tampere, Finland, 29 July- 3 August(31 July), 2000.

62        NATOの東方拡大と中欧―中欧のNATO加盟とコソヴォ空爆―」



61   「EU・NATOの東方拡大と中欧」国際開発協力銀行の開発研究プロジェクト    「拡大EUへ向けた


60        EU・NATOの東方拡大と中欧」『ヨーロッパ統合の行方』総括ワークショップ、


59   “The EU Enlargement Towards Central Europe under the NATO Influence”,    ISA National Convention, Los Angels, March 17, 2000.




57     “Eastern Enlargement of ‘Europe’ and Relations between Eastern Europe and Japan”, Japan and Its Neighbors in the Global Village: Current and Emergent Issues, Nanzan University, Nagoya, International Conference, 16 October, 1999.

56        「EUの東方拡大と中欧への影響―グローバリゼーションとポスト空爆の中で」


55      「ヨーロッパの東方拡大とNATO空爆」平和の論理・戦争の論理、『現代を考える会』、19997


54      「EUの中欧への拡大」『ヨーロッパ統合の深化と拡大』研究会、1999625日。

53        「EUの東方拡大と中欧」『ヨーロッパ研究会』(箱木)、“The Expanding EU and Central Europe”,

Association of European Studies, 17 April 1999.

52        「ハンガリーの総選挙と地方選挙」東京大学社会科学研究所,1999319日。

51     “The Expanding EU and Central Europe”, Could Western Foreign Policy be helpful for Institution-Building in Transitional Economics?, ISA Annual Conference, Washington D.C., 17 February, 1999

50        「NATO・EUの東方拡大とロシア」『法政大学国際共同研究(代表下斗米)』199921日。



49 「中欧の都市:ブダペシュト」『朝日カルチャーセンター』199810月。

48    “The Origin of the Cold War in Hungary and in Japan”, International Conference in Tsukuba,

September, 1998.

47      「EU拡大と民族問題」『桜美林大学国際学研究所講演会』、19987月。

46      「EU東欧拡大」『法政大学同窓会講演』、19986月。

45      「ヨーロッパ拡大とポスト社会主義」『国際政治十大学講演会』、19985月。

44      「ハンガリーの議会選挙(19985月)」東京大学社会科学研究所、比較体制研究会、19983




43“Hungary and the Origin of the Cold War”, Hungary and the Second World War, AAASS 29th National Convention: Seattle, U.S.A. November, 1997.

  • 「東欧と冷戦の起源再考―ハンガリーの外交,1945-1948」ロシア史研究会大会、東京工業大学、199711月。

41      「ポスト社会主義の東欧社会:社会と民族」ロシア東欧学会共通論題:脱社会


40      「ポスト社会主義の中欧:ハンガリーを中心に」、中央大学人文科学研究所、公開研究会199710月。

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