• Asia Pacific Tokyo Conference 2023 was held at Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan at 8-10 August 2023.      https://www.isanet.org/Conferences/AP-Tokyo-2023
  • 600 professors and Researchers participated from all over the world; Europe, North America, Asia, Africa and South America.    From CHIR, many members participated in that Conference.  Thank you very much.
  • Title was:  Global Role of Asia-Indo Pacific in International Relations: Anthropocene, Peace and Security
  • There were 10 sessions under this grand theme: https://www.isanet.org/Conferences/AP-Tokyo-2023/Call
  • Anthropocene, Covid 19 and IR,  Regional Integration and Collaboration, Security-Geopolitics and Energy Policy, Democracy and Authoritarianism,  Relligion and Philosophy,  Gender Studies, History of War and Peace, Global South, and Graduate Students Poster Sessions.   Regional Integration and Security-Geopolitics were each 200 people had presentations, and Graduate Students Posters were almost 150 presentations.
  • We deeply appreciate your participation and support.
  • ISA Asia Pacific Tokyo Conference POSTER 2023
  • ISA Program Cover
  • ISA_Program 20230808-10
  • We would like to make a book from this Conference, if you are interested in, please contact us.
  • (Kumiko Haba, Miguel Angel Vecino and Pradeep Chauhan)


  • Call for Papers – Emergence of Asia in the International Relations
    International Conference of CHIR in Tokyo, Japan Foundation International Center, Tokyo, Japan, December 6-7, 2014 (see download section in the reserved area for full text of the call-for papers)
    On the one-hundredth anniversary of the opening of the First World War, this conference aims at a comprehensive analysis regarding the impact of the war upon the world, especially on the Asia-Pacific region. The conference analyzes (1) the development of the War in Europe and its impact in the Asia-Pacific region and (2) long-term changes in the Asia-Pacific region after the war, including but not limited to the spread of nationalist sentiments, renewed struggles for control and influence among weakening European colonizers and new powers such as the United States and Japan, and the growing influence of new norms and ideologies such as socialism, Wilsonianism, and pacifism. This conference will be broad in scope, going beyond the Asia-Pacific region and beyond academic specializations such as international politics, comparative politics and history.
    The organizing committee proposes four concrete topics as follows:
    A) Research on the First World War: Causes, Development and Direct Impact of the War
    B) Long-Term Impact of the War upon Asia-Pacific Regional Development
    C) Emergence of Ideological Conflicts and Globalization
    D) Subjective Behaviors of Asia-Pacific Actors
    Presentations are expected to make empirical or theoretical arguments on chosen topics, with original contributions to international history, international relations, or regional studies. Papers that have been published in any form, or those that have been presented in an academic conference will not be accepted.
    Proposals for research presentations must be submitted by e-mail to the CHIR Japanese conference office by July 25th, 2014 (address: chir-japan2014@tufs.ac.jp). The proposal should include a title and a 200-word summary of the presentation.
    Authors of accepted proposals will have to submit complete papers in advance of the conference. Papers should be sent to the same e-mail address by early November.
  • Appel à communications / Call for papers
    Jinan, 27-28 August, 2015.
    The Commission of History of International Relations welcomes proposals for its scientific sessions to be held on Thursday 27 and Friday 28 August, 2015, on the occasion of the Congress of Jinan, International Committee of Historical Sciences.They will be devoted to the theme: Old and New Players – Histories of International Relations (XIXe-XXIe c.) / Anciens et nouveaux acteurs – les histoires des Relations internationales (XIXe-XXIe siècles).
    You are kindly invited to send us your proposals before February 24th, 2014 at the address chir@unimi.it . They can be either in French or in English and should include:
    – title
    – abstract (max. 200 words)
    – brief C.V.
    Anciens et nouveaux acteurs – les histoires des Relations internationales (XIXe-XXIe siècles)
    La scène des relations internationales et celle de l’histoire des relations internationales évoluent. A l’origine de la première mondialisation, l’Europe s’est imposée comme acteur dominant du système international, éclipsant les autres continents et les diluant dans sa pratique impériale. Du continent américain à l’Asie, elle a même imposé son modèle de représentation, y compris dans le champ de l’analyse historiographique comme l’a souligné Jack Goody.
    Cependant, si l’Europe est demeurée au cœur du système international au XXe siècle, son influence a progressivement décliné au profit d’autres acteurs, sans que pour autant soit remis en cause le mode de fonctionnement international qu’elle a généré, fondé sur la notion d’équilibre des puissances et le rôle des États-nations, quoiqu’elle ait elle-même initié un processus de dépassement de ces derniers.
    Il s’agira donc de :
    – questionner cette grille d’analyse et la remettre en perspective, au regard des nouveaux apports historiographiques et des approches récentes de l’histoire impériale, de l’histoire internationale et de l’histoire « globale » ;
    – s’interroger sur les facteurs de l’évolution du système international, sur la réalité et l’idée de l’ « émergence » de nouveaux acteurs, étatiques et non étatiques (ex. les grandes entités d’entreprise, les réseaux spécialisés, les systèmes internationaux d’organisation et contrôle, les mouvements sociaux, etc.), et sur ce que cela implique.
    Comment, finalement, les historiens peuvent-ils penser le nouveau système international ?
    Old and New Players – Histories of International Relations (XIXe-XXIe c.)
    Both the actual arena and the History of international relations evolve. At the center of the first globalization, Europe stood out as the dominant actor in the international system, putting into shadow the other continents and watering their differences down through its imperial practice. From the American continent to Asia, Europe imposed also her own model of representation, even in the field of historiographical analysis – as Jack Goody has remarked.
    However, if in the 20th Century Europe remained at the center of the international system, her influence gradually declined to the benefit of other actors. This evolution has not put into question, so far, the functioning of the international system Europe initiated, which was based on the notion of balance of the powers and the role of nation states that she has been trying to overtake.
    Thus the purpose of the session will be:
    – testing this analytical framework and updating it at the light of new historiographical contributions and the recent approaches of imperial, international, and “global” history;
    – questioning the factors of evolution in the international system, the reality and the idea of the “emergence” of new state and non-state actors (e.g. big corporate entities, specialized networks, international systems of organization and control, social movements etc.), and what this implies.
    How can finally the historians think about the new international system?


  • It was published the volume Migrations, Cultural Transfers and International Relations. Migrations, Transferts Culturels et Relations Internationales, edited by Alfredo Canavero, Mauro Elli, Rita Paolini, Hugues Tertrais, UNICOPLI, 2012.
    This volume collects the proceedings of the scientific session of the Commission of History of International Relations (CHIR) held in Amsterdam on the occasion of the last World Congress of Historical Sciences back in 2010. The rationale consisted in investigating through a number of contributions from CHIR members the impact of dynamics like the global circulation of men and women or of processes of assimilation of ideas on international relations in their historical perspective. This meant to throw a fresh look to migrations and cultural transfers, usually subjects of social sciences, in order to explore how the interface between different kinds of institutionalisation on the one hand and social dynamics on the other could represent a ‘matrix’ which moulded international relations far beyond the traditional disciplinary purview of diplomatic history. Pursuant to the CHIR statutory aim, these investigations were conducted over a long-term time span encompassing Modern and Contemporary History and trying to seize the dynamics involved against a truly global dimension.
  • It was published the volume Dimensionen internationaler Geschichte(Studien zur Internationalen Geschichte, Vol 30), Munich 2012, edited by Jost Dülffer and Wilfried Loth.


  • On 14-15 December 2012 a conference devoted to “Thirty Years of History of International Relations” took place in Paris, organized by Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne with the patronage of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The complete programme is available in the reserved area of the web-site (“download papers”).
    – On Dec. 14th: at the new Diplomatic Archives of La Courneuve.
    – On Dec. 15th:  at Room no. 1, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
    The conference, organized on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of our Commission, took stock of the last three decades of investigations in the history of international relations with a special focus on the complexities of the present world. Moreover, the conference addressed new research perspectives concerning both new methods and subjects of interest along four main axes:
    – Imperial history and global history;
    – History of peace, international organizations and regional integration;
    – History of conflicts and Cold War history;
    – New approaches and subjects.
    The conference finally dealt with a presentation and debate on the book edited by Robert Frank Pour l’histoire des relations internationales, PUF, 2012.
    Colloque “30 ans d’histoire des relations internationales
    Lieu et date :
    – 14 décembre aux archives diplomatiques de La Courneuve
    – 15 décembre au centre Panthéon, salle n°1, Paris
    Créée à la suite du Congrès international des sciences historiques de Bucarest, tenu en 1980, et rattachée elle-même au Comité international du même nom (CISH), la Commission d’histoire des relations internationales (CHRI) vient d’avoir trente ans.
    Organisé à cette occasion par l’Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonneavec le concours du ministère des Affaires étrangères, le colloque propose de dresser le bilan de trois décennies de recherches historiques, de s’interroger sur la fécondité de l’histoire des relations internationales pour penser la complexité du monde actuel, et de suggérer quelques perspectives quant aux méthodes et objets d’une discipline qui s’est profondément renouvelée au contact des autres sciences sociales.
    Les deux journées s’organisent autour de quatre axes :
    – Histoire impériale, histoire globale
    – Histoire de la paix, des organisations internationales et des intégrations régionales
    – Histoire des conflits, histoire de la Guerre froide
    – Nouvelles approches, nouveaux objets.
    Le colloque se conclut par un débat autour du livre Pour l’histoire des relations internationales, dirigé par Robert Frank, PUF, 2012.


  • A CHIR International Conference on “Management of International Crisis since 1919 up Today” has been held in Bucharest, Romania, on 19-23 September 2012. The president of the Board Conference was ambassador Dumitru Preda and the President of the Scientific Committee was prof. Dr. Mihai Retegan, Bucharest University. The programme of the Conference is available in the reserved area of the website (dowload papers section). The papers presented at the conference will be published in a volume, in 2013.


  • On 13th and 14th April 2012, a conference was held in Moscow on “Water Issues in the History of International Relations” under the auspices of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations and the Commission of History of International Relations. The first session of the conference, devoted to the theme “Water Resources as Factor of International Conflicts”, was opened by greetings of prof. Torjunov (Rector, MGIMO University) and prof. Tertrais (president, CHIR) and the conference was then introduced by Dr. Orlov’s report on the “problem of sweet water: global context of the Russian policy”. After the report of prof. Belozerov on “water resources as an instrument and object of the struggle in foreign policy”, different regional issues were dealt with; Central Asia by prof. Kurtov and dr. Borishpolets, the Middle East by dr. Panova, the Indian subcontinent by dr. Elli and dr. Paolini, Russia-China trans-border relations by prof. Bolgov. Other regional issues were addressed in the afternoon section devoted to “International cooperation in the area of use of water ways”: prof. Tertrais and dr. Rogozhina spoke about the Mekong river region, prof. Muntian addressed the issue of the Danube and dr. Alezandrov the problems of the Artic region. The second day of the conference, devoted to “Regional Problems of Water Resources and Waterways”, was opened by prof. Savaskov with a paper on “International water passage; contemporary international legal problems”. Dr. Zhiltsov then spoke on “international cooperation in overcoming the issue of water resources use (historical aspect)”. The problems of Latin America were addressed by prof. Martynov, those of water transport in Europe by prof. Gorbanev and the issue of the Black Sea Straights Status by prof. Druzhilovsky. The conference was closed by Alexander G. Stoppe, Head of the CIS Department, Security Council of Russia. The conclusions were drawn by prof. Narinskiy who underlined the richness and the variety of the contributions and the important results in understanding the present times that looking back at history can bring.
    We warmly thank prof. Narinskiy for the organisation of the conference.


  • It was published the volume Filipinas, un paìs entre dos imperios, edited by M.Dolores Elizalde and Josep M. Delgado (Edicions Bellaterra, Barcelona, Spain, 2012).
  • The Commission of History of International Relations is proud to announce that its treasurer, prof. Dumitru Preda, has been recently cleared by the Romanian Senate for the post of Ambassador to Cuba.
  • It was published the volume The End of Cold War and the Regional Integration in Europe and Asia, edited by Robert Frank, Kumiko Haba and Hiroshi Momose (Ayoama Gakuin University, Nakanishi Printing Co., Kyoto 2010, 451 pages).
  • It was published the volume Political and cultural transfers between France, Germany and Central Europe (1840-1945): the case of Slovakia, edited by Bohumila Ferencuhova and Jean-Louis Georget (Vera, Bratslava 2010, 452 pages, ISBN 978-80-224-1120-2). Information in the reserved area, under “publications”.
  • In the reserved area you can find the abstracts and the papers presented during the Scientific Assembly of the Commission in Amsterdam, August 2010.
  • It was published the volume Peace, War and Gender from the Antiquity to the Present. Cross-cultural perspectives, edited by Jost Dülffer and Robert Frank (Klartext Verlag, 282 pages, € 28,00, ISBN 978-3-8375-0214-5). This volume is based on the contributions presented at Sidney Congress and presents fresh insight into war, military violence, peace, resolution of conflicts and so on. The contributions to this book approach these big issues with selected case studies. They range from ideas about peace in Greek antiquity to gender and violence in medieval Ireland, from the Christian conception of just war to a discussion of irregular warfare in twentieth century Europe as well as area bombing in World War II. Specific European perspectives are supplemented by a fresh look at examples from Latin America, India and Africa. All contributions are based on original research and offer conceptually a broad range of innovative reflections. Gender is used as a particularly important analytical category. With its scope and range of coverage, the volume offers a useful introduction into the practices of war, peace and violence in a cross-cultural perspective.
  • It was published the volume Images des peuples et historie des relations internationales du XVI siècle à nos jours, edited by Maria Matilde Benzoni, Robert Frank and Silvia Maria Pizzetti (Unicopli edizioni – publication de La Sorbonne 549 pages, € 30,00, ISBN 978-88-400-1202-5). En acceptant l’invitation de la Commission d’histoire des relations internationales, les auteurs de ce recueil d’études ont réfléchi sur le poids des images dans l’histoire des rapports entre les peuples et les Etats, du XVI siècle à nos jours et à l’échelle planétaire. Le livre esquisse une histoire encore largement à écrire, des dèbuts de la mondialisation moderne à la globalisation contemporaine, de la formation du système européen des Etats à l’après 1989… Il permet d’étudier le rôle des imaginaires et des images des peuples dans l’histoire des relations internationales de l’Europe à l’Asie, de l’Amérique à l’Afrique, tout en analysant sur la longue durée les innombrables transformations de ce corpus de représentations ainsi que son usage par tous les acteurs. Contrairement à ce qui est communément admis, l’influence des images sur les relations internationales ne date pas d’aujourd’hui, ni même du XX siécle, mais s’inscrit dans un passé lointain que cet ouvrage met en perspective.
  • It was published the volume Concepts, Histories and Theories of International Relations for the 21th Century. Regional and National Approaches, edited by José Flavio Sombra Saraiva (Onstituto Brasileiro de Relaçoes Internacionais, Brasilia 2009, ISBN 978-85-7924-024-9). Concept, theory and history walk side by side in the broad field of International Relations. This does not mean that they necessarily work in cooperative way towards building the epistemological identity of International Relations. However, it is true that these three approaches have equally contributed to the development of this fresh academic science originated in Europe and the United States of America in the 20th century.