Dr. Shixin Du 杜 世鑫

Dr. Shixin Du is a post-doctoral researcher in Institute for Global International Relations, Tokyo. He was born in Luoyang, China, and received a B.A. degree of Japanese Studies from Xi’an International Studies University (Xi’an, China), a M.A. and Ph.D. degree in Political Science from Aoyama Gakuin University (Tokyo, Japan). His research interest is International History (Cold War Studies), Central & East European Studies and  Asian Studies (Asia-Europe International Relations), focusing on the Hungary Revolution 1956, and China-Europe International Cooperation in the post Cold War era.






(Co-authored, Central and Eastern European Cultural Encyclopedia, edited by Kumiko Haba, Chapter 20, “1956 Hungarian Incident and China” pp592-593, Maruzen, 2021)


(Translation, Central and Eastern European Cultural Encyclopedia, edited by Kumiko Haba, Chapter 1, “European Strategy in Donau Region, the regional river cooperation”, written by Soavapa Ngampramuan, pp8-9, Maruzen, 2021)

Chapter 3 of Joint treatise,  “Collaboration between the EU and Asia—Perspectives on International Politics & Economics and Energy Policy—”, The Aoyama Journal of International Politics, Economics and Communication, No. 106, 2021, by Kumiko Haba, Akanksha Singh, Shixin Du and Peter J. Hudson: Shixin Du, “Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and Central Eastern European Countries (CEEC),”,



Members-At-Large, ISA Asia-Pacific Region


Research fellow, Institute for Global International Relations

グローバル国際関係研究所 研究員



Shixin Du, “The Chinese perception of ‘One-Belt, One-Road’ and the role of Xi’an”, EUSA Asia-Pacific Conference, Tokyo, Japan, 2017

Shixin Du, ‘Chinese One Belt One Road Strategy and Eastern Europe’, World Science Forum, Fukuoka, Japan, 2018

Shixin Du, ‘Hungarian Incident and the Democracy of China’, ISA Asia-Pacific Conference 2019, Singapore, 2019



杜 世鑫,「东欧危机中的中国共产党的参与和平共处五项原则」,第九屆東亞漢學國際學術研討會, 日本札幌, 2018年

(Shixin Du, ‘The involvement of the Communist Party of China and Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence’, Convention of Sinological Research of East Asia, Sapporo, Japan, 2018)



「1956 年のポーランド危機とハンガリー動乱における中国共産党の対外行動」

杜 世鑫、ロシア・東欧学会研究大会 京都 2016年

(Shixin Du, ‘The Foreign Policy of the Communist Party of China in Poland Crisis and Hungarian Incident, 1956’, Convention of the Japan Association for Russian and East European Studies, Kyoto, Japan, 2016)

「1956年ハンガリー事件と中国共産党――ハンガリー事件における中国共産党の関与と役割――」杜 世鑫、日本国際政治学会 新潟 2019年

(Shixin Du, ‘The Involvement and Role of the Communist Party of China in the Hungarian Incident, 1956’, Convention of the Japan Association of International Relations, Nigata, Japan, 2019

「『地域統合の起源』と中ソ関係の展開―欧州の冷戦と極東の熱戦」、杜 世鑫、日本政治学会2020年度総会・研究大会、オンライン、2020年

(Shixin Du, ‘the origin of the Cold War and Sino-Soviet Relations—the cold war in Europe and hot war in Far East’, Convention of Japanese Political Science Association, Online, 2020)



Shixin Du, ‘China’s Foreign Policy in Polish Crisis and Hungarian Revolt’ Aoyama journal of international studies (4) 145 – 159, 2017.

 Shixin Du, ‘Chapter 5-3, The Belt and Road Initiative and China-Eastern European Relations-How Much the “New Type of International Relations” can Achieve-’100 years of World Wars and Post-War Regional Collaboration and Good Governance ―How to Make New World Order? ― Edited by Kumiko Haba, Science Council of Japan, Aoyama Gakuin University, Kyoto University, 2020 (Proceeding Book)



杜 世鑫、「ハンガリー事件が中国共産党に与えた影響 : 大衆運動をめぐる論争を焦点として (特集 ロシア革命100年)」、『情況』.第四期 : 変革のための総合誌 6(3) 56 – 70, 2017年

(Shixin Du, ‘The Influence of Hungarian Incident to the Communist Party of China—In the Perspective of Mass Movement’, Situation, No. 4, 2017.

杜 世鑫、「ヨーロッパとアジアの地域統合 : 「一帯一路(OBOR)」は「ドーナツ現象」の解決策になりうるか (プロジェクト報告 欧州地域統合の諸問題と,東アジア外交の比較研究) 」Aoyama journal of international studies (5) 179 – 190, 2018年

(Shixin Du, ‘The Regional Integration of Europe and Asia—Can OBOR be a Solution for the ‘Donuts Phenomenon’, Aoyama journal of international studies (5) 179 – 190, 2018)

共著、『ハンガリーを知るための60章【第2版】』(羽場久美子編)、第29章、「1956年ハンガリーと中国の対応–ハンガリー動乱における中国共産党の対外行動(杜世鑫))」、明石書店  2018年

(Shixin Du, ‘Hungarian Revolution 1956 and China’, 60 Chapters to Know Hungary, the 2nd Edition, Edited by Kumiko Haba, 2018)


(Co-authored, Central and Eastern European Cultural Encyclopedia, Chapter 20, “1956 Hungarian Incident and China” pp592-593, Maruzen, 2021)


(Translation, Central and Eastern European Cultural Encyclopedia, edited by Kumiko Haba, Chapter 1, “European Strategy in Donau Region, the regional river cooperation”, written by Soavapa Ngampramuan, pp8-9, Maruzen, 2021)